The Retreat at Cedar Hill

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Restoring the Family

Why a Retreat Center?

As the family goes, so goes the nation, and the American family is crumbling under constant attack.  In the worst cases, we see abuse, neglect, alcoholism, drugs, domestic violence, and ultimately divorce. Even in the best cases, we find families stressed out, lacking in time and finances, trying to keep a roof over their head, and meals on the table. Many families are 90 days from homelessness. Without a doubt, families are pressed and pushed from all sides. Wouldn’t it be nice to escape all that, if only for a few days? We thought so, thus the vision and dream behind this ministry was born. Our goal is to take us back to a simpler time, a place of rest, relaxation, and peace that will glorify God and minister to our guests.

What is the Retreat?

The Retreat at Cedar Hill is a place of Biblical sabbath, surrounded by Jesus Christ, free from society’s pressure to perform. An across-the-board ministry, returning our community to the forgotten truth which has worked for millennia, the nuclear family is the unquestioned building block of society.  Here you can find a place to unwind, swim, hike, ride your horses or ATVs, camp, and enjoy bonfires all in a Christian environment. This is a place where the serenity of nature can be found, and the voice of God can be heard without the noise of daily life. In this environment, children are safe and are encouraged to be kids.


the Power of God

But ye shall receive power…
Acts 1:8


to Each Other

So we, being many, are one body in Christ…
Romans 12:5


the Community

As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another…
1 Peter 1:10

Rules Of Use

    Everything we do here is centered around Jesus Christ. You are here as His honored guest. We are but the managers of His work and property here at Cedar Hill. We hold in trust, for future generations, this ministry to families and children. To set a proper example to children of how to do life, and to ensure this remains decidedly Christian, the following rules of use apply:

    • Conduct oneself at all times in a way that honors Christ.

    • Without exception, no drugs, alcohol, or nicotine products of any kind, including but not limited to the use of marijuana for any reason. Anyone under the influence will be asked to leave or evicted off the property.

    • Cedar Hill holds zero tolerance for bullying or abusive behavior. Any fighting will result in immediate removal from the property.

    • Due to the facilitation of children's ministries at The Retreat at Cedar Hill, registered sex offenders are not allowed on the property without exception.

    • Cedar Hill Ministries believes the Bible defines marriage as the union between one man and one woman. Therefore, we do not accept the lifestyle of the LGBTQ+ community. Couples must be married and of opposite birth gender to use any overnight accommodations. (We reserve the right to deny anyone a site or cabin at any time for any reason.)

    • The speed limit on the property for all motorized vehicles is 15 miles per hour. Use of ATVs, dirt bikes, and side by sides are permitted in designated areas during the hours of 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. Operating motor vehicles in a reckless or unsafe manner will result in the suspension of privileges up to and including immediate removal from the property.

    • Day use of the property is from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Quiet Hours are 10:00 PM to 9:00 AM.

    • Water is dangerous, thousands of people drown every year. Use of the ponds, lake, or watercraft is at your own risk. No lifeguard is provided. Parents MUST accompany children anytime they are near, in, or on the water. Anyone in a boat, canoe, or kayak must wear a life preserver.

    • While we support the right to bear arms, discharging a firearm anywhere else but the gun range is prohibited and grounds for immediate removal from property. Local open and concealed carry laws apply.

    • We ask that all guests wear at minimum modest shorts and t-shirts. Please, no bare midriffs, topless men or boys, no bathing suits.

    • Bee, mosquito, tick, or other insect bites can cause severe and adverse reactions or disease, up to and including death. Stay out of long grass, and the underbrush. The use of repellent is suggested.

    • There are many forms of wildlife in the Upper Peninsula. While some can be dangerous, most of them avoid human interaction. Do not approach any animals you may encounter. Keep both food and garbage picked up to discourage four-legged visitors.

    • We love your four-legged furry friends, keep them on a leash at all times, clean up after them

    You are responsible for your own safety and that of your party. You agree not to bring a lawsuit against Cedar Hill Ministries for any reason and to hold harmless all ministry leaders and members of Cedar Hill Ministries from all claims. Any disputes will be settled by binding arbitration as provided in our by-laws. We provide no insurance. Many activities out here can result in injury or death. Be aware and be careful. Your agreement to be bound by these rules is signified by your signature below or your continued presence on this property. You have carefully read this document, understanding that it is a legal and binding covenant between you and Cedar Hill Ministries. You are giving up certain rights to participate in the events or activities offered here. This agreement is in effect immediately upon entering the property, covers all future use of this property by the undersigned, their children, and those in their care, and is binding upon your insurance companies and all heirs.

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